

Book review: Messenger of Fear

THE BASICS                                           Title: Messenger of Fear Author: Michael Grant Genre: young adult/fantasy Pages : 272 Original language : English First edition: 2014 Rating : 2/5 stars This is my first blog post (ever!) and I thought I'd start things of with a little book review. Honestly, I feel quite bad with a rather negative review being my first post, but Messenger of Fear is the last book I've read and I did want to say a few things about this story. First things first, this isn't a genre I'd typically go for. The main reason I read it was because it was a gift and I just thought I would give it a go anyway. Another aspect that influenced my rating was the fact that I read a Dutch edition, and I really believe a lot was lost in the translation. The main character of the story is Mara, a teenage girl who wakes up in an empty misty field without the slightest idea how she got there. With that being said, she also doesn't